


Grief Support





Grief Support

Don't be alone.

Helping each other

No one is immune from experiencing personal tragedy. At any time the loss of a loved one can traumatise any of us. Our sense of perspective suddenly disappears. It is at such times we are likely to need help in taking the next step in our lives.

Through the Secular Fellowship, the Scottish Humanists sponsors a Grief Support Group where bereaved individuals who are having great difficulty in coming to terms with their changed circumstances, can be helped to negotiate a way through what must often seem an impossible road leading into the future.   It is often helpful to realise that there have been others in similar circumstances who have managed to move on in life.  We can share these experiences and help each other.  From an individual consultation with one of our grief  advisors to a joint meeting with others who have had a similar experience, we can invariably provide help.  It is often enough just to become aware that you aren't alone. 

All consultations and meetings are held in absolute confidence.  Anything discussed in the group, stays in the group. 



For further information and help, please refer to these two web sites;

www.griefsupport.org.uk a web site sponsored and financed by The Scottish Humanists.

http://humanistgrief.com  a web site run by Jennifer Hancock, one of North America's foremost Humanist authors and a member of The Scottish Humanists.